Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reese turns 1!

Okay I know I really suck at the blog thing lately, but I am yet again gonna chalk it up to a lack of time, or possibly a mismanagement of time. So seeing as a slide show takes a bit longer I am just gonna post a few adorable pics from some of Reese's many birthday celebrations. It is hard with so many people we want to celebrate with to get away with one party, yes my kids will be spoiled in that respect:) Who shouldn't get to celebrate with both family and friends. We had a blast at all of them, we celebrated at mom's on easter, a quiet night at home with just our little nuclear family on her birthday, and a friend bash the following weekend. Mom and Tiff made an adorable cake for her friend party, and our good friends Lisa and Dyson brought over a bounce house to help entertain all the wee ones, and some of the big kids as well :) Reese has been using walking as her main mode of transportation for the last month or so, she is quite the little climber, and loves playtime with her big sis, Riley. She finally got her first two teeth just in time for her birthday, all the better to eat all that cake and ice cream. Thanks to everyone for helping to make Reese's first birthday so special!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Love this. I was wondering what the ever-evolving little lovebugs of yours were looking like these days...gorgeous as always! Thanks for posting these for those of us who are not as fortunate to see your darlings on a regular basis! Love to you all,
Nicole :)