Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Riley's 1st day of Pre-K!!!

Riley's first day went great!!! She was so excited and happy to be there. Her teachers are awesome and she has lots of great kids in her class. Her favorite part of the day was snacktime!! Definitely my kid :) I definitely had a harder time then she did, but I followed her lead and there were no tears shed today! Reese had a much harder time than anyone leaving her big sister behind and pouted until I took her for some playtime at Grandma's house. Reese and I both got big hugs when we picked her up, so sweet ! And Daddy is really excited to come home and see all the great pics of Riley's 1st day. I hope the rest of the year goes just as well !!! Our baby is growing up, which makes me happy . . . and a bit sad :)


Kristin said...

Finally a new post!! :) She looks so grown up! :( They grow up way too fast! What adorable pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! She is so grown up! I cannot believe it! Both girls look fantastic...it's incredible how quickly they grow and change. Love the update. Missing you all bunches! Be in touch when you can...I miss you all much.
Love, Nicole