Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Goofy things that make me laugh :)

So thanksgiving was great, we had lots of great food at the Hillebrand's and at Mom's house, of course we ate to much and went to bed early. That's what holidays are for right? Riley is starting to feel some cabin fever already, along with Enzo, so I just thought I would share some silly pictures of things we've caught them doing. Like almost every day for a week when I went in to get Riley from her nap she would be wearing her socks like gloves, and refuse to take them off long after she was done sleeping. Enzo has been sleeping curled up around the christmas tree, which i still need to get a picture of, and they have both been mauling David as soon as he gets home from work. Riley and Enzo have been taking turns going down her slide, and one of Riley's new favortie things is playing with all of her toys in that silly rubber ducky infant bathtub that we used at her birthday party. Other than that all is well here, I have an ultra sound next week, so I will write more then :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures with the Curious George masks are hilarious, and I actually laughed out loud at the photo of Enzo going down the slide. What's not to love about the photo of Riley wearing socks as mittens?! And is there some way you can keep Riley from growing up, because I was just there 2 weeks ago and she already looks more mature!!! miss you all much...